It’s getting harder and harder every day to live at this pace, but somehow magically I manage to keep doing it day after day.
Why all of this? Why can’t you take one day off? Perhaps you should unplug your phone for 24 hours and take a break from the world around you?
There are more questions like these and many more in my head every day, but I continue to stand my ground diligently and hold on to this rhythm of life.
For me, to live is to use it to the fullest, give myself to my environment and ask nothing in return. That’s just the way I am. Yes, I’m crying, sometimes it’s hard mentally, but my heart demands more. I am truly happy with what I have. It is an inexpressible feeling to live when you like everything around you: your own state of mind and body, surroundings, life and desire to move on.
The world is not perfect, but I strive to change, improve and work tirelessly to be even better!
In analyzing what moves me forward, I’ve realized that it’s a slightly different life and vision for it. I very often step out of my comfort zone, which helps me to “break” me, to develop in the direction I am working. Lately a lot of time has been spent on my own, where I’ve been improving to see results a little later.
I haven’t gotten everything I want at this point in time yet, but I hope to get everything I want soon.
We have life in order to get everything we planned. Without complications, life would not be as bright or moody. Paint life with your colors and then things will happen for sure!